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Nine Mile Community Center Board Meetings - Meetings are held the 2nd Tuesday of the month at the Nine Mile Community Center unless otherwise noted. Public is always invited to attend!
Garden Club - This club is coming back after a long hiatus! Once upon a time the valley had a wonderful garden club that has since dissolved. New and long-time residents alike would live to see the return of the garden club. With that said, the first inaugural garden club meeting will be held on May 3rd, 2025, at 1:00 pm. This meeting will piggy-back off of the Nine Mile Spring Clean-up and Garden Refresh event! There is no club organization at this point - so, it is up to participants to come together and create the club of their gardening dreams. To get your name added to a mailing list, or volunteer/sign-up for the club, please e-mail us.
Book Club - There has been talk of a valley Book Club over the past several years, and now it may come to fruition! If you are interested in being in the book club, contact us! Steve King is currently the point of contact for the Book Club.
The Activity Calendar will show all activities taking place at the Nine Mile Community Center. You may also go to the Activities Menu to see upcoming Events, Classes, and Clubs/Meetings, or simply click the following buttons:​
The GOOGLE Calendar: Need reminders? Add/copy activities to your own calendar and receive updates and have the information and/or links to activity details on your personal device! All Nine Mile Community Center activities are listed below. The best view to see all activities is in the month view. To see more details about any activity, simply click the event title, and click the link that reads "Click here for more information" (if available) or read the information provided.
E-mail us with questions or concerns:
Google Calendar
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