2016 Spring and Summer Events
The elk have made their annual spring appearance in the field across from the Nine Mile Community Center. While their numbers seem to vary a bit, we counted 18 this year - including one spike bull that was often spotted rolling in a muddy irrigation ditch.
The Nine Mile Community Center is gearing up for another busy spring/summer season. Keep your eyes on this page for updates. So far, these are the events we have on deck:
Saturday - April 30, 2016: Annual Spring Cleaning Day 9:00 AM - ??
Please consider joining us to gussy-up the Community Center. We have a list of annual items to work through, and we'll be busy both inside the building and outside on the grounds. Last year, community turnout was terrific and we checked off all the to-do items on our list, plus a few extra. We'll work hard and then take a break to grill up some burgers. Bring a pot luck item to share with your neighbors!
Tuesday - May 17, 2017: Ninemile Ranger District Public Meeting 6:30 PM
The Forest Service will be at the community center providing great information about projects in the Ninemile Ranger District. These projects are in your backyard - so please plan on attending. You'll be interested in learning about the planned fire risk reduction treatments in the upper reaches of the valley between Soldier and Butler Creeks. You'll also hear updates about stream restoration work in the valley with Trout Unlimited. Forest Service personnel will discuss upcoming prescribed burning activities scheduled this spring and fall, and they'll also address some planned recreation events. Lots of great info so please plan to attend!
Saturday - May 21, 2016: Wedding
Another lucky couple has rented the Nine Mile Community Center for their wedding!
** Photography Class w/ Michael Albans
10:30 AM - 3 PM Rescheduled for a date this fall - please check back!
Michael is a professional photographer and photojournalist. His work has appeared in the NY Daily News, NY Times, Life, People and many other national magazines and papers. He teaches at the Rocky Mountain School of Photography and the University of Montana.
The primary focus of this year's class will be photographing children—catching that gleam in an eye, or that look of happiness, sorrow or mischief. And, just in time for those beautiful summer evenings, Michael will also teach students how to photograph the night sky.
Cost is $25 per person. Please bring a sack lunch.
Please call Sharon Sweeney at 626-1610 to register.
Saturday - June 11, 2016: Wedding
The Nine Mile Community Center will shine again today for another happy couple!
Tuesday- July 12, 2016: Trout Unlimited Field Trip - new!
Back, by popular request! Trout Unlimited will lead a field trip from the community center to various stream restoration sites in the valley. You'll learn about the work they've completed, what's currently being accomplished - and plans for the future.
We'll meet at the Ninemile Community Center at 5 PM to carpool up the valley to different sites. Plan on being out for 3-4 hours, depending on interest. Wear sensible shoes (not sandals), bring water and snacks - and a light jacket.
Paul Parson with Trout Unlimited will lead us to a variety of locations:
Ninemile-Martina Creek - This is the project that will be completed this year and should be underway during the tour.
Mattie V Creek - Completed in 2010, this should provide a good idea of how our tributary creek sites heal after six years.
Upper Ninemile Creek Phase 1 - Completed in 2014, this was the first phase of placer mine reclamation on the mainstem of Ninemile Creek and has seen a quick turnaround for aquatic species populations.
Kennedy Creek - Completed last November, this little stream was previously confined with contaminated mine waste tailings and a leaking mine adit. The mine waste was removed and the stream was reconstructed back in the center of the canyon.
Saturday- July 23, 2016: Carolyn Demin Memorial Celebration
Join us from 1-4 PM for a joyful potluck celebration of Carolyn's life. A long-time valley resident and Board member, Caroyln was a cornerstone of the valley and could be counted on for her candid comments and naughty humor. Come to the Community Center, a place she dearly loved, to laugh and share fond memories. Carolyn always said that life is good..please join us to prove that despite her absence, it still is.
Saturday - September 17, 2016: Board of Directors Elections and Community Lunch
Our annual Board election event is on the calendar and is paired with a pot luck lunch. Please consider running for a seat on the board - your help will ensure that the Nine Mile Community Center will continue to be the valley's social and historical anchor. Stay tuned for more event details, including information about the election.
Click here to see who's on the Board, and when his/her term expires.